For inquires:
Phone: 940-3032
“Conflicts and
bad feelings are damaging to your operation”
Conflicts, bad feelings and unhappy individuals are directly
damaging to your operation. Staff turnover increases,
clients feel the negative energy, and individuals who do not
work well together are less productive.
Rita Makkannaw teaches hands on methods of how to improve
harmony on your team
as taught to her by native elders of North America.
The Raven
Way Philosophy
The Raven way
incorporates efficiency, harmony, creativity and creation to
your institution or corporation. Raven was co-creator. He
brought to mankind those things needed to sustain life
including the sun, the moon and fire. He did it in such a
way as to create harmony, peace and light, and he was the
How can Rita help your corporation?
Rita at the age of 40 began her search for knowledge and
wisdom and an understanding of the spiritual experiences
that were happening to her. In that search she met and later
married Raven Makkannaw, a North American Native elder. He
was a great teacher, a healer and a spiritual leader. Their
joint vision was to bring peace, harmony and understanding
of the universal spiritual knowledge and wisdom to the
global community.
Now two decades of learning from The North American Natives
have passed and with permission from elders she is now
sharing some of the old knowledge of understanding the
importance of bringing people in alignment with creation,
nature and each other.
Rita has participated in a multitude of conflict resolutions
and the creation of new programs. Everyone from individuals
to families to small and large institutions have benefited
significantly from utilizing the Raven Way Philosophy. The
largest was Capital Health, which provides medical services
to 1.6 million people of various languages and ethnic
backgrounds. As the operational coordinator for the
Aboriginal Wellness Program she was responsible for
incorporating the traditional native ways in to a modern
western medical model.
The dream and the Vision is the spirit of your
Each corporation or institution is based on a dream and a
vision. This is the spirit of your corporation. When the
dream and the vision of the individuals become synonymous
with the dream and vision of the corporation, you will have
more harmony, efficiency and creativity.
Rita, through her living and training with the Native elders
can bring an understanding of the cause of emotional and
spiritual conflict and give the tools to achieve overall
strength and balance. She uses hands on practical
techniques, to improve productivity, creativity and unity
resulting in efficiency.
Every person needs to understand the importance of their
contribution, to themselves, their employer, their family,
their community and their world. Effective communication is
the foundation to success. It must be respectful and
The Talking Circle (Coaching in meetings)
Utilizing the old traditional talking circle improves the
flow of ideas and creativity. This method brings openness
and freedom so many more ideas are presented.
Rita Makkannaw guides teams through the philosophy and rules
of the talking circle with the clear purpose to improve
efficiency and create more positive energy and unity on
Rita coaches individuals or teams in the art of
communication including the utilization of the talking
circle. She helps people to understand WHO they really are
and how to bring everything they are to all aspects of their
The Raven Way Philosophy and its methods can be adopted for
creation of new leadership teams, as a problem solver and
the enhancement of unity. It is effective for on sight
meetings or alternative settings such as gatherings,
conferences etc
Cross Cultural Workshops
Rita Makkannaw will work together with her partners to bring
the beautiful old knowledge of the North American Native
traditions into the modern world in which we live.
Your group will learn about Old Knowledge and spirituality
and how to use it for a better life for themselves and for
all around.


“Our modern
in its
explosive change, has
lost some of its
old knowledge
on how to live life in
harmony and balance.”