For inquires:
Phone: 940-3032 |
Rita Makkannaw - White Eagle Woman
Life Strategies and Spiritual Development
Rita has lived 20 years of
her life at the side of a medicine man from the Cree Nation in Canada.
Her teachings are based on the knowledge she got from him and the other
elders in the native community.
She sees herself as a living bridge for knowledge from the
old world and the “new”. Rita Makkannaw believes that our modern world,
in its explosive change, has lost some of its old knowledge on how to
live life in harmony and balance.
“This knowledge is ancient, and it is universal. I was
fortunate to get it from the North American Native community. I spent my
first seven years in silence, only listening, and I know I have
something very important to share,” says Rita Makkannaw.
In her teachings she uses hands on practical techniques,
from the North American native society, on how to improve harmony in
groups, and in individuals. She is a popular speaker and leader of
workshops. Her main work fields are Canada and Scandinavia. Rita
Makkannaw’s clients are corporations that want to improve harmony for
increased efficiency.
She also helps individuals through workshops or one on one
coaching who want to find their roots as spiritual beings, their
strength and meaning in life.
Rita has
presented workshops in Canada, USA, and Denmark on various
topics including Native culture, personal power,
spirituality in everyday life, and life energy healing.
Rita is
available for individual consultation, family counseling,
events presentation and workshops of various lengths, alone
or in partnership with others. Each presentation can be
customized to suit your specific needs and time. Rita
Makkannaw teaches all over the world.
For inquires e-mail Old knowledge :

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Rita Makkannaw
New Book 2022
210 pages

The Henry Laboucan Story
Click here...

Journeys with Raven

"Two Worlds Together"

Book See more...
Udkommet i Dansk oversættelse:

Se Kalenderen for
foredrag & workshops
“Our modern world,
in its explosive change, has lost some of its
old knowledge
on how to live life in
harmony and balance.”