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Dannebrog is the name of the Danish flag.
The word means “the Dane’s flag” It is reported to be the
oldest flag in the world.
I decided to share the story of our beloved
Dannebrog because I am Danish and have heard this story as a
very young child. After I shared with the elders I got a new
insight and a much deeper appreciation of our flag.
All Danes know the story of how they got their precious
flag. It is told to them from a very young age. All story
tellers begin with “the story goes like this”
On the 15th of June 1219, their king Valdemar the Big was on
Crusade to Estonia when the Danish soldiers were totally
overpowered. They were losing the battle and had many
casualties. Suddenly the clouds parted and from the sky
dropped the Danish flag. A voice from the heavens told them
to hold it high and they would win. They did hold it high
and they did win.
I feel most Danes although they love the story and repeat it
for generation after generation has a hard time to believe
it could actually be true. When I told the story to my late
husband Raven, he simply shrugged and said. “It was
spiritually passed.” I was surprised at his reaction, so I
thought I would try it out on other elders. Their reaction
was the same.
They have such a deep understanding of the spiritual realm
and did not find it strange at all.

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“Our modern
in its
explosive change, has
lost some of its
old knowledge
on how to live life in
harmony and balance.”