Personal Power
This workshop helps you to find
your place of power, keep your power, and regain your power
should you lose it. When you learn how to keep your power
you will be able to live a much more peaceful life. You will
live with increased harmony with all people and things
around you.

Seven laws of spiritual living
These laws are a guide to balance and harmony in everyday
life. They are the way of life of the people of wisdom.
By learning and living within these laws you will become
stronger and more efficient in every aspect of your life,
both personal and professional.

Woman, you are powerful
In this course we will discuss the power of women who are
the most powerful spiritual beings. You will learn to
understand your power and how to use it to create balance
and harmony in your life. We will discuss traditional roles
of women as leaders in every society.

Parenting with spirituality
Our children are our best teachers. Learn how to listen to
the lessons they teach us. It is very easy to damage the
spirit of a child. You will learn how to correct behavior
without damaging your child’s spirit.
You will learn how to support your children to reach their
full potential and more.

Life force
This is an introductory course in understanding energy and
how it affects us. You will learn how to direct your
energy for help for yourself and others.
It is a
sixteen-hour course, which introduces an understanding of
your healing power.
Part two: Another 16 hours where we will explore deeper into
healing powers. Prerequisite is either part one or previous
experience in energy healing modalities.
Part three: Mentoring: Rita will be available for
consultation either by mail, phone or in person. This will
be ongoing for as many months as you desire.
